Saturday, October 01, 2005

Touched by God

Ok, i've been having a rough go of it the past couple of weeks, and when things get rough like they have been, it's hard not to get totally angry at God. . . So yeah, i was at fuel on thursday night and just bawling cause i was angry at God and asking the eternal question (why me!?) and so afterwards, neal, the guitar player worship leader guy asked me how i was and i jsut said "OK' i have this thing where i will NOT lie and say i'm fine when i'm not. so yeah, he probed and i told him what had been up. then him and a girl (cassie) prayed for me and it was amazing. God definitely used them powerfully in my life. it took a load off literally. i went from feeling ashamed and alone to feeling loved. that is a huge thing. God is so amazing guys. so amazing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angela, this brought tears to my eyes. Tears for your pain, tears of joy for our Father who always knows just what to do when we need it. How amazing that he used those people to touch you, and you, me. Love you girl!

2:38 PM  

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